
DP 01/02 16 Developing and integrating gizmos I

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This 12 pages article which was published in three parts in the issuse 2016:01, 2016:02, 2016:03 in the Digital Production shows, how to create gizmos for Nuke as well as how to integrate them in Nuke's UI. This results in a flexible workflow which aims in customizing Nuke to your needs.

In the first part I show you how to create an indiviudual node to sharpen an image. It shows how to use an alternative technique using a highpass sharpen filter.

In the second part I show you how to create an individual glow node which has a more natural look compared to the build in Nuke "Glow" node.

In the third part I show you how to customize Nuke with python and how to integrate the both created gizmos in Nuke's UI.

The complete article can be read here (German):

Part1) HighpassSharpen Gizmo in Nuke
Part2) Your own glow node
Part3) Integrating gizmos in Nuke's UI

And here in one go.

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